Billboard trolling: The Tool Shop
The Tool Shop’s “Imagine all three at once” billboard is the advertising equivalent of trolling Facebook. And where there’s a troll there’s someone taking the bait. In this case Queensland Government Minister for Women, Karen Struthers. Struthers says the wording of the ad is an explicit sexual reference that degrades women. Explicit? Hardly. Sexual? Maybe...
QLD bans skateboarding at night, NSW wants Red Bull off the shelves
Have we entered the Twilight Zone? The Queensland Government have announced they will ban skateboarding and rollerblading at night, while the NSW Government wants energy drinks like V and Red Bull taken off the market. Queensland According to Queensland Transport Minister Rachel Nolan, Queensland needs the night ban because riders become almost invisible to motorists...
Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story (ABC1, Sunday 31 May)
Update 2/06/09: Kyle was kind enough to point out in the comments section that this is available for a short time on iView. Watch it here. Update 10:47PM: A little short on the details, but definitely worth your time. Sir Hugh Carleton Greene, in the words of Patrick Bateman, was a laugh riot. Unfortunately, there...
Conroy sacked…
Well at least according to Whirlpool. Or if you believe ZDNet he’s still the minister but has scrapped the filter. Visit Overclockers though and you’ll see it’s already in action. Heck, I’m just glad we’re finally getting net licenses.
Liberal MP wants drinking board game banned
Liberal MP Steve Irons wants a board game that he says encourages alcohol abuse banned from sale in Australia. The game in question, Pass-out, has players travel around the game board taking drinks and reciting tongue twisters. It’s been around in board game form since at least 1962. But Irons says ‘In a society now...
Question time turns into Conroy comedy club: Question dodging at its worst
If it wasn’t such a serious issue (and one that has been around for well over a year in Labor land), Senator Conroy’s game of dodge-the-question in parliament today would be comedy gold. Conroy not only fails to answer a single question put forth by Senator Cory Bernardi (good questions, at that, for a guy who...
Servos cave into family group pressure, drop porn mags
BP and Shell service stations will drop pornographic Category 1 magazines from their stores after a successful campaign to have them removed by Kids Free 2 B Kids and Australian Women’s Forum. According to, Kids Free 2 B Kids issued a press release in September accusing the petrol giants of selling material condoning rape, incest...
ACL calls for bipartisan support of mandatory ISP filtering
Nothing unexpected here: The Australian Christian Lobby has called for bipartisan support of ISP filtering, saying that in the interests of children this issue should be placed above party politics and the impact on speed is a small price to pay. ACL says Australia is taking a huge step forward with filtering. Here’s a snippet from...
Salt Shakers’ outrage metre explodes over Labor backbencher’s sexy novel
Here’s a ripper: Moral guardian group and soldiers in the battle against filth, Salt Shakers, are going bonkers over a new book from Labor backbencher Graham Perrett. Why? Salt Shakers believe leaders of the nation should not be encouraging reading that contains ‘extremely graphic’ and ‘sexual’ material. Thankfully no one else agrees (okay, there’s probably...
Kevin Rudd wants turbocharged broadband for the kids
Our PM is a little confused with what the party plan is. He wants turbocharged education and high speed broadband for our kids. Here’s what he’s been running around saying today: “Mr Murdoch is right, a 21st century economy demands a 21st century education system,” he [Rudd] said. “An education revolution is our response, investing...
Barnaby Joyce concerned pornography is encouraging paedophilia
I’m not going to waste much breath on Barnaby Joyce, but he’s concerned pornography available in petrol stations and corner stores is encouraging paedophilia. I know. I know. Another ripper from the Barnaby School of No Evidence. Senator Julian McGauran also said shops are selling illegal, explicit magazines by disguising them in opaque packaging. McGauran...
Fred Nile sandwiches Gay Mardi Gras and Bill Henson
There’s a trend amongst those calling for Bill Henson’s blood to link the artist’s photography to a slew of other unrelated issues in hope of validating their argument. Be it rape, raunchy t-shirts and music, or in Fred Nile’s case, ‘Homosexual Mardi Gras.’ “I congratulate his main defender, David Marr, for his consistency, because as...