Somebody Think of the Children

Giveaway: Ticket to Sydney IQ2Oz net censorship debate, May 11

Update 6:40PM May 6: Ticket is still available. I can’t make it down to Sydney next week as planned, so my ticket to IQ2 Oz’s Governments should not censor the Internet debate to be held at Angel Place (Tuesday May 11 at 6:30PM) is up for grabs. The only catch is I’d like the winner...

Protest Australian game bans – Brisbane, Saturday December 5

Show your support for the introduction of an adult games rating this Saturday the 5th Of December at King George Square in Brisbane. It’s set to kick off at 11am (a good chance for you to fit in some Christmas shopping after. Games perhaps?). The Facebook group for the event lists 74 confirmed guests, so...

Video: Fort Australia forum on Internet censorship

Video of the Fort Australia Forum, Cyberhate? Censorship on the Internet, held Tuesday September 8th. 2009 is now available to watch. The forum was held in the Jubilee Room Parliament House Sydney and speakers include Fiona Patton, Geordie Guy, Jim Wallace and Angela Conway. Time guide: Ms. Fiona Patton – Convenor of the Australian Sex...

Banned books event at State Library of Queensland (7 June)

This Sunday (June 7, 2009) the State Library of Queensland is showcasing controversial and banned books to the public. About: For centuries books that challenge the moral, political or religious norms of their times have been ‘banned’ or removed from public circulation. Today, studying these banned books provides a revealing insight into the psyche of...

Melbourne event: ‘Online games, censorship and the crisis of control’

Apologies for the late notice folks, but this one only just crossed my path (or I may have forgot about it – sorry). University of Melbourne is holding a free public lecture of online game classification and censorship on Wednesday the 13th May. Speaking is Dr Jeffrey E. Brand, an Associate Professor and Head of...

Podcast of NewMatilda’s Internet regulation forum online

The always-awesome Peter Black has uploaded an audio recording of the NewMatilda Tangled Web forum held in Brisbane this week. Peter chaired the event at which Senator Ludlam, Nic Suzor and Irene Graham spoke about net censorship in Australia. If you missed my live coverage of the event, you can read it here.

University of Sydney filtering seminar – April 3rd

Hey guys. This popped up on the radar today: Associate Professor Bjorn Landfeldt will speak at a free University of Sydney seminar on the Government’s Internet filtering scheme next Friday, 3rd of April. The lowdown: The Australian government is currently planning to introduce mandatory Internet content filtering. The move would clearly set Australia aside from...

Live Blog: Tangled Web Internet Filtering Forum – Brisbane, March 24

I’ll be live blogging the The Tangled Web forum on Internet filtering this evening. Come back to this page from 6PM AEST/Brissy Time (or 7PM AEDT) to read my coverage. Speaking at the forum is Senator Scott Ludlam, Irene Graham and Nic Suzor. Update: You can now replay my coverage of the event using...

Public forum on Internet regulation in Brisbane, March 24: Senator Ludlam speaking

NewMatilda is holding a series of public forums about the internet regulation debate in Australia, with the first to be held in Brisbane on March 24, 2009. The forums which are also set for Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne in coming weeks explore the ethical, social and political questions raised by government regulation of the Internet....

Live blog coverage of UNSW Filtering Forum – Thursday 27

Tomorrow I (and many others) converge on Sydney for the the UNSW Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre’s Internet Filtering Forum. The good news for those unable to attend is that Stilgherrian will be blogging the event live (he’s also kindly invited myself and Peter Black to join in and offer a word or two). You’ll...

Filtering symposium to be held in Sydney Nov 27

The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre at UNSW will be holding a symposium on the gov’s Internet Filtering scheme on Nov. 27 in Sydney. Alana Maurushat from the CLPC says speakers will include technical officers from ISPs, telecommunication lawyers, journalists, digital forensic experts, and hopefully a representative from the government. Date: Thursday 27 November 2008...

Public discussion on censorship at UNSW – 16 October

Margaret Pomeranz will join copyright lawyer Raena Lea-Shannon to discuss censorship and film classification at UNSW tomorrow, 16 October. They’ll be focusing on the movie Mysterious Skin (R18+) which was described as a “how-to manual of sexual abuse” by some family groups as well as SA A-G Michael Atkinson. The OFLC didn’t agree. They found...