Welcome readers of ABC Online. You’ve probably come here after reading my article The High Price of Internet Filtering (check it out if you’re one of my regulars) and are now looking for more information on the Goverment’s ISP filtering plan. Here’s some of my posts on the topic to get you started:

  1. Latest 24/Oct: Australian Government’s attempt to gag ISP filter critic backfires

  2. Why the Tasmanian ISP filtering trial is a failure

  3. Filters mandatory for all Australians: DBCDE

  4. Will your blog be banned in Australia?

Remember to visit NoCleanFeed.com to find out how you can take action. You can also stay up to date on what the Government is doing by subscribing to my RSS feed or by email at the bottom of this page.

Stilgherrian also has good coverage in Crikey and on his blog.

– Mike