Tomorrow I (and many others) converge on Sydney for the the UNSW Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre’s Internet Filtering Forum. The good news for those unable to attend is that Stilgherrian will be blogging the event live (he’s also kindly invited myself and Peter Black to join in and offer a word or two). You’ll be able to follow the live coverage in the CoverItLive box below from 10AM tomorrow (Thursday 27 November). I’ll be writing a full report on the event tomorrow evening hopefully.
The forum’s aim: ‘To get beyond some of the more heated claims and counter-claims circulating at present and explore the underlying issues and constraints, hopefully giving room for various perspectives and arguments to be considered on their merits.’
Speakers include former Deputy Director of the OFLC, Paul Hunt, child rights advisor for Save The Children, Holly Doel-Mackaway, EFA’s Colin Jacobs, and Group Information Security Manager for Optus, Siva Sivasubramanian.
Update 27/11/08 11PM: Nice meeting everyone today. Too tired tonight for a report so I’ll aim for the weekend. In the meantime, if you have any questions about something said in the live blog, leave a comment and I’ll try and answer. Cheers.