You know your argument for filtering falls flat on its face when…
You use any of these same tactics Clive Hamilton used in his opinion article for Australian IT, the Web doesn’t belong to net libertarians. Such as: You need to spend the first 271 words, or 5 paragraphs, brewing up a completely fictional situation involving a boy looking at “weird-looking vaginas”, upskirts and amputees… golden showers,...
With adults controlled like this, protecting children can wait
Guest post by Jon Seymour Clive Hamilton does not believe, like the Kantians, that exercising rationality is a virtue. It shows. Hamilton does concede that rationality is useful to the extent that it allows one to avoid being manipulated by others against one’s better interests. The unstated corollary of this is that if one wishes...
Clive Hamilton: Straw men, five year old polls & cherry picked libertarians
Guest post by Geordie Guy Were I to commission you with the sum of $145 million to single-handedly cook and eat all of the elephants in existence before Christmas, with what would you season them? I am unaware of any demography that actually eats them, but I imagine they are red meat. Would you apply...
With a public intellectual like this, who needs barbarians?
Guest post by Jon Seymour In a year or two from now Australians may wake up to find themselves living in a country unique amongst Western democracies – a country that has imposed mandatory filtering on all residential ISP feeds. It is unlikely that most will notice anything unusual about that particular day – any...
Filter supporters talk, Australia listens
Guest post by Danu Poyner There was a lively debate about mandatory internet filtering on ABC Radio National’s ‘Australia Talks’ program Tuesday night. While those who have been following the issue closely will recognise much of the conversation, the debate was interesting because it covered new ground in certain areas. Specifically, we got to hear...
There is no censorship worth noting in Australia: Clive Hamilton
‘There is no censorship worth noting in Australia.‘ The words of former Australia Institute Executive Director, Clive Hamilton, at last nights Art Censorship debate in Sydney (video here). Clive must be losing his memory. Did he forget that recent case where those nasty chaps at David Jones tried to silence The Australia Institute’s criticism of...