Alan Jones has only been back at work a week and he’s already whipping up a parental fear frenzy:
Children at risk from every angle
Alan Jones
We need to reflect on the dreadful story of a young 19-year-old woman being raped in a taxi in November last year, twice indecently assaulted as she drifted in and out of sleep.
Then a nine-year-old girl is the latest victim of a reported child abduction attempt in Sydney in the past month. And this at a time when the Safety House network has been disbanded last year without public debate.
Well may parents wonder how safe their children are on the streets. And lament the seeming inability of society to protect the innocent.
But tragically parents may face the same concerns in the nation’s classrooms. Not through physical violence, though that occurs as we know through unchecked bullying, but through intellectual assault.
If you’re still wondering whether Alan is back to his same old tricks, here’s something he said in the audio version (in bold) that was left out of the published article:
‘Justice has prevailed and the taxi driver, 22-year-old MD Kawsar Ali [PAUSE] I wonder how he got into the country, will be sentenced in November.’
Thinking of the children… the white ones at least.