According to a post on the WikiLeaks twitter page, police have raided the home of the domain owner over ‘censorship lists’. Details are limited and as such I do not know the origin of the lists which are alleged to be the reason for the raid.

Update: WikiLeaks has uploaded a scan of the police raid documents. A Lenovo laptop and a mobile (external) Hitachi harddisk were seized (Thanks to one of my readers for the translation).

Update 2: WikiLeaks has issued a press release. They write:

According to the search protocol the reason for the search is “distribution of pornographic material” and “discovery of evidence”. Police claim the raid was initiated due to Mr. Reppe’s position as the domain owner.

Police did not want to give any further information to Mr. Reppe and no contact was made with Wikileaks before the search. It is therefore not totally clear why the search was made, however Wikileaks, in its role as a defender of press freedoms, has published censorship lists for Australia, Thailand, Denmark and other countries that include links to pornographic sites.