Public forum on Internet regulation in Brisbane, March 24: Senator Ludlam speaking
NewMatilda is holding a series of public forums about the internet regulation debate in Australia, with the first to be held in Brisbane on March 24, 2009. The forums which are also set for Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne in coming weeks explore the ethical, social and political questions raised by government regulation of the Internet....
Tuesday filtering wrap up: Conroy’s blog, AISA, Greens and the trial of doom
Another busy day of filtering news with the Greens calling on the Government to abandon their live ISP trial as ‘as it’s flawed and doomed to failure‘. Senator Ludlam said: “This trial is simply all show. It won’t give any meaningful indication of how mandatory internet filtering would work in practice. One of the few...
Conroy misleads Senate in more ways than one
Senator Scott Ludlam’s showdown with Senator Conroy last week during Estimates (PDF) was a welcome sign that the opposition had stopped sitting on their hands when it came to filtering. However, as Mark Newton pointed out last Thursday evening, Conroy’s answers to Ludlam’s questions about other international filtering examples were rather misleading. Tonight Dale Clapperton...
Greens Senator quizzes Conroy on filtering
If you’re up for a bit of late night reading (or maybe that’s now early morning), check out the October 20 Hansard for Environment, Communications and the Arts (Complete PDF / Partial HTML) — Greens Senator Scott Ludlam questions Conroy and his team about filtering. The juicy bits (or the ‘horrifyingly bad parts’ as Simon...