As we saw during today’s live Senate broadcast, Senator Conroy is still dodging questions about his plan to censor the web. Thankfully Scott Ludlam isn’t having any of it. In a press release issued this evening by the Greens, they warn there are too many unanswered questions about the government’s internet filtering scheme.
“We still don’t know how this filter would sift through the billions of websites on the internet in search of the “unwanted” material referred to in question time today by Minister Conroy,” said the Greens Communications Spokesperson, Senator Scott Ludlam.
Last month at Senate Estimates, Senator Ludlam queried the focus of the filter and in particular, whether similar schemes have been implemented overseas. The Senator queried the issue again today to establish why the Government had compared Australia’s proposed mandatory system with a number of other countries where net filtering is not mandatory. Again the Minister failed to answer the question directly.
“Unfortunately, the Minister did not respond to my question. He still hasn’t explained why the proposed mandatory filter is being compared to optional filters operating overseas. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. It doesn’t advance the debate in any way.”
If you weren’t happy with Senator Conroy’s response today (who would be), Ludlam suggests giving Conroy a call on (02) 6277 7480
or emailing him at to share your views. I’m sure many of us would be absolutely delighted to Scott.